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Abstracts from the Henry County Republican

(New Castle, Indiana, April 1872)
Published on Thursday

March 7, 1872
Married, at the ME parsonage, Feb. 29, Needham Bell of Wells Co. to Lucinda Ellen Conner of New Castle.

April 4, 1872
Mention of H. Luqueer.
John Symons appointed administrator of estate of Joel W. Symons, decd., late of Henry Co.
Reason H. Powers, administrator of estate of Henry Masterson, decd., late of Henry County, files final settlement.
Article names Elwood Pleas, S.S. Bennett, and "John Bill Griffin" as leading Republican radicals, and Major Bundy, Judge Elliott, and C.D. Morgan as leading conservative Republicans.
Long account of speech at Spiceland by John C. Hudelson, candidate for state representative nomination. Denounces excessive spending, grand juries, and state colleges.
E.L. Woolen, Spiceland druggist, low with consumption
Walter Boor, son of Dr. Boor, returned home from medical school at Ann Arbor.
Barber & Harris have bought New Castle machine shop.
Winners of Republican Nominating Election, April: state senator, W.R. Hough; representatives, John T. Hedrick & John O. Hardesty; Common Pleas Judge, R.L. Polk; district attorney, L.P. Mitchell; prosecuting attorney, John W. Ryan; county treasurer, Thos. S. Lines; county clerk, Robt. B. Carr; county recorder, Milton Brown; county sheriff, Hugh L. Mullen; real estate appraiser, Welborn Healey; county commissioner, northern district, Jabish Luellen; county commissioner, southern district, Thos. N. White; surveyor, W.R. Harrold; coroner, Wm. McDowell
Reports of township elections. Henry Twp.: trustee, Hiram Thornburg; assessor, C.M. Moore; justice of the peace, S.R. McMeans; constables, J.H. Bock, H.W. Alexander, A.J. Pickens. Harrison Twp.: trustee, W.D. Cooper; justice, H. Alshouse; assessor, Elijah Pressnell; constable, ------ Gregg. Spiceland Twp.: trustee, Edwin Swaim; assessor, Nathan Dix; justices, W.R. Wilson & Nathan Murphey; constable, Enos Bundy. Blue River Twp.: trustee, A. Wrightsman; assessor, Isaac Cory. Dudley Twp.: trustee, Phineas Hall; assessor, C. Okel; justice, E. Vickery; constable, Leander Hall. Wayne Twp.: trustee, Gordon Ballard. Greensboro Twp.: trustee, J.W. Vance; assessor, D.W. Saint; justice, John Hinshaw; constable, Wm. Vuncannon.

April 11, 1872
Jack Moore now postmaster at Salt Lake City.
James Kissel, formerly of New Castle, now with Anderson Herald.
First frame house in New Castle burned-stood east of academy.
Dr. Edwin Cain died April 7, 1872, of peritoneal infection. Graduate of Miami Medical College.
Satire of losers in Republican primary.

April 18, 1872
Account of Henry County Sabbath School Convention.
J.B. Martindale, brother of E.B., moving to Indianapolis.
Court cases: Noah, David, & Polk Warren acquitted of "provocation"; Jim Evans, affray, convicted; John Godfrey & William Williams, assault & battery, convicted; White v. Welborn, hog case, find for Welborn.
"Lottie and Mark Nicholson, aged respectively 7 and 5 years, children of Reason and grandchildren of Williams Nicholson, died of spinal fever about two weeks since, at the residence of their father near Monticello, White County. A portion of the family of Jesse Nicholson have been dangerously ill with the same disease, but are now recovering."
Jurors: Nathaniel McMeans, William Saint, Hiram B. Brattain, James Pressnall, Richard Peed, Samuel Barnard, John B. Antrim, Reuben Koonly, Butler Hubbard,
Reuben H. Burr, Oliver C. Cannon, Thomas W. Phillips.
Dr. W.B. Cox, physician at Greensboro.
Frank Woodward, son of Asahel, died at Minneapolis, brought back April 11, buried on Friday at South Mound.
Married, at the Taylor House, April 17, by W.R. Kestler, Jeremiah C. Ball and Emma Howe, all of Henry County.
"Please publish in your paper the death of our much esteemed friend and neighbor William Marshall, who died at his residence in Blue River Township on the 28th of March 1872. Mr. Marshall was a quiet, peaceable citizen, strictly honest in all his intercourse with his fellow men. His age was 63 years, 2 months, 7 days. Thus, Mr. Editor, we are all passing away. Ever Yours, Cornelius Smith."
Masonic resolutions for Franklin Woodward, died April 9, at Minneapolis, aged 48 years. Member of Masons 6 years, widower.
R.M. Nixon New Castle city clerk.
Administrator's sale, at residence of Eli Warner, Blountsville, all personal property not taken by widow, except dry goods stock. Thomas Marshall, administrator.
Commissioner's sale. Real estate near Lewisville, 80 acres, now owned by heirs of John Winters, decd. James Brown, commissioner.
Sheriff's sale, Isaac Lamb v. William Wright, lot in Dunreith; Ulysses D. Pickering v. Joseph H. Barrett, lots in new Castle.
"Grant City Letter. We have a thriving town and a good farming community around it, and nearly all good Republicans. There will not be one in this section of the country that will sympathize with the Cincinnati movement. Dr. Smith still visits the sick with his healing powers. M.C. Gordon is doing a good business as an auctioneer. Ransom Moore is cutting lumber daily with Terrell Anderson to whoop up the steam. John Goodnoe makes his anvil ring repairing for the farmers, and his happy when he makes others so. Jacob Green is still merchandizing; he has had some financial embarrassment, but we all stand by Jacob yet; we do not believe he is unworthy of confidence."
Rogersville letter. "Jabish Luellen . . . is too fat to take things serious. Business very lively. John Lake is going ahead with his store building. Blacksmiths up to their eyes in business."
Circleville letter. "Circileville raises her voice. . . . It takes two townships to hold her-Blue River and Stony Creek. John McCollum is our merchant, and has always the genuine article. He intends to complete his house this spring. Mr. Reynolds runs the saw-mill. The mill yard is covered with logs, piled up six deep. Mr. Reynolds intends to rip up the whole country. . . Reuben Means (colored, no relative of Bud Means) preached for us Sunday last. Quite a number out. We observed some of the young gents were exceedingly well dressed. The girls were all pretty-colored ones included. A reverend Gwin preached at this place also. Elder Hardesty-I think they call him-will preach here soon. Our church is only an old, defunct school house. The only furniture I saw in it consisted of the following articles, to-wit: one lamp, one oil can, one wax candle, one broom, one bucket, two stoves, one desk, and some pretty good benches. John Moore west of us deals in fur. . . . John has a machine he runs them through, and the skunk comes out peeled as slick as an onion. The 'ottar of skunk' he 'biles down' and sells to the nice young men around for double barreled, rectified musk; price, 25 cents per bottle. Jesse Hobson has thirty acres of logs to roll this spring. . . It will be one of the biggest rollings on record. T.S. Lines will be on hand to make a speech, of course. Man Sears and wife have settled down to business on the Finch farm. Some of our enterprising citizens have been stealing bees for luck."

April 25, 1872
Kinnan-Dunning case, involves blackmail in Richmond.
Common Pleas Court, Phoebe A. Weeks v. John Weeks, divorce. John Weeks nonresident of Indiana.
Sheriff's sale: Amos R. Day v George C. & Nancy Tarvin, 7 acres off southeast corner of northeast quarter of section 31 township 19 north range 9 east.
Sheriff's sale. Gaar, Scott & Co., Israel Ulrich, Ralph M. Pomeroy, Joshua Mellette, Muncie National Bank, & Absolem Miller v. Levi Bouslog et al., 49.58 acres off south end of east half of northwest quarter of section 7 township 18 range 11, and 45.51 acres in southwest corner of northeast quarter, same section; Samuel Burley & Leonidas Rogers v. Wilson A. Wisehart, tract of land from northeast corner of northeast quarter of section 22 township 17 range 11.
New Castle businesses:
Shirk, Johnson, & Fisher-grist mill, wagon, blacksmith, plow shop
Gough & Eckert-manufacture plows, wagons, farm implements
L.A. Jennings-furniture & millwork
Barber & Harris-foundry & machine works
Burley & Rogers-fine buggies & carriages
Smith & Pearce-sell agricultural implements
Charles Colburn-livery
"Dr. G.D. Bailey, formerly of Flushing, Ohio, has permanently located in Spiceland, since the removal of Dr. Stuart to Lawrence, Kansas. He already enjoys a fair share of practice, and bids fair to be one of our foremost medical practitioners."
Spiceland: "David Updegraff, a prominent minister of the Society of Friends, of Mt. Pleasant, Ohio, has been holding a series of meetings here since last Friday. His remarks for his first sermon were based on 1 Cor. vi. 20. His labors have been followed by a remarkable outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and a revival is now in progress."
Spiceland: "The colored Methodists have fitted up a meeting house on the land of Josiah Symons, one half mile north of town on the banks of that romantic stream, 'Brook Besor.' They have regular meetings every Sunday."
Spiceland: "Jo. Unthank has moved to Richmond, and is now engaged in manufacturing coffins for Hutton & Co. His property is rented to one Elwood Stanley, who, by the way, is a 'leather man.'"
Spiceland: "Dick Boone, Mollie Ballenger, and Loring Williams, after spending a brief vacation at home, returned to their respective schools, at Azalia, Wabash, and Noblesville."
Spiceland: "A good one is told on the 'clearest-headed business man' of southern Henry County (as old Amusette calls him) who flourishes the cognomen of 'Squire,' and, has his headquarters at a home railroad station in the township of Spiceland. A case came before him a few days since for assault, where the parties wished to plead guilty, and that while he (the Squire) was perambulating the streets of the village, asking the citizens how much to fine said assaultants, the parties becoming tired took the case before a J.P. in a neighboring town, where they know how to do business. The chagrin of the 'clear-headed business man' may be guessed."
Contest of Republican sheriff nomination. Hugh Mullen won primary election by 4 votes. Runner-up, William S. Bedford, presented affidavits that Democrats voted at Lewisville and vote there should be thrown out, giving him nomination. County central committee voted to uphold Mullen.
"An elopement that was an elopement occurred yesterday afternoon. We understand a Miss Rice lit out with a colored gent. from Muncie in a good deal of haste a few rods in advance of an enraged materfamilias."
"Buffkin & Scovill, milliners, dress makers, and dealers in notions, Spiceland, have a very choice assortment of goods in their line, and propose to give entire satisfaction to those who favor them with their patronage. Shop over J.E. Bogue's store."
"Mr. Beckley Deem, brother of J.A. Deem, and for a year or two connected with the Knighstown Banner, is about to start a weekly paper at Pendleton, Ind. We think the people of Pendleton will find Mr. Deem a gentleman worthy of their confidence and respect, and we shall be glad to hear of his meeting with abundant success."
"They have a new baby at Mrs. Dr. W.F. Shelley's"; also have three-year-old twins.
W.W. Shelley has two-year-old grandson, weighs 75 pounds. Name in full: "William Winford Wellington Wallace Waldo Washington Watson Christopher Columbus Morris Georgetown Erasmus Philadelphus James Augustus Julius Caesar Ephraim Jonas Pickering George W. Julian Charles Francis Adams Santa Anna Saint."

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