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Abstracts from the Henry County Republican

(New Castle, Indiana, July 1872)
Published on Thursday

July 4, 1872
Grant and Wilson Club organized in New Castle. Participating: Judge Elliott, Judge Bundy, S.S. Bennett, W.S. Bedford, David Kinsey, J.C, Livesey, George Hazzard, W.H. Elliott, E. Pleas.
Robert Cluggish appointed Indian agent among the Sioux.
James Fears, colored, nearly suffocated cleaning out old, abandoned well for Seth Stafford.
David Edwards of Spiceland purchased what is believed to be the first self-propelled threshing engine in Henry County.
Remains of the little son of Robert & Caroline Murphey, grandson of Eli and Clement Murphey brought from Chicago and buried last week.
"The venerable Anna Hobbs of Spiceland, now about 94 years old, had a call the other day from one of her descendants of the fifth generation. We hardly think anyone can beat this."
Isaac Hodson has a span of mares both 35 years old, frisky as colts. Oldest team in the county.

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2006 Dr. Thomas D. Hamm


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