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Henry County Genealogical Services

Abstracts from the Henry County Republican

(New Castle, Indiana, August 1870)
Published on Thursday

Aug. 4, 1870
Funeral sermon of Mrs. Root to be preached next Sunday at UB Church in New Castle
Jordan Shaw of Blue River Twp. moving to Kansas
Samuel A. Lowe of Franklin Twp. moving to Spiceland
Isaac Addington, two miles southeast of Millville, moving to Kansas
Spiceland: "Our old friend J.P. Antrim is recovering from the fall he received two months ago."
"Married, at the Methodist parsonage, New Castle, by Rev. E.M. Baker, Mr. John W. Pettycrew, of near Brookville, to Miss Annie Berry, of Allen Station, Henry County."
Elizabeth Small, daughter of William & Mary, died of consumption on Aug. 2 at father's residence.
"The Slatter family can furnish more characters and scandal than any other in the county. They have suits in court at all the regular terms, and about twice as many more than are not regular. We don't regard their family rows as worthy of a page in history, hence we shall not attempt to "write 'em up."
Spiceland: "Mr. Eli U. Cook, who graduated at the last term of Spiceland Academy, has gone with his better half to spend a few weeks in Minnesota, after which he will take change of a school at Spring Dale, Iowa. Salary $1,200 per year. Like a sensible man, he came in and ordered the Republican sent to his address for a year."
"Prof. Wm. B. Morgan, one of the ripest scholars and most successful teachers in eastern Indiana, has gone, we believe, to southern Kansas, where he purchased some very valuable property a year or more since. His place in Spiceland Academy is supplied, we hear, by Morris T. Wright, whose qualifications are highly spoken of."
Spiceland: "J.A. Unthank and family of Richmond are visiting relatives and friends at this place."
Spiceland: "Ex. Unthank has received the contract for carrying the mail between Dunreith and Greensboro for the ensuing four years. He has a new hack and his accommodations are much better than formerly."
Spiceland: "Clark Gordon and A.W. Porch who leased the Stone Quarry met with bad luck a few days ago, as the arch gave way in a partially burned lime kiln and the work of weeks was to be done over again."
William D. Beard and Jemima Slatter "eloped" with Mr. Slatter's horse. Apprehended near Plymouth. Beard sentenced to two years.

Aug. 11, 1870
Thomas Yazel, young man living 11 miles from Springfield, Ohio, quarreled with his father and ran away. Tuesday, Aug. 2, trying to return home with no money, tried to board fast freight train between Dunreith and Lewisville. His legs and feet were mangled and he died before doctor arrived from Dublin.
Mrs. Reuben A. Riley died Aug. 1 at Greenfield of heart disease.
Account of Rev. A. Dockery preaching at Dunreith. Calls him "that walking moral pest house."
Union man in Clinton County, Ky., arrested on false charges but rescued.
Taylor Mendenhall moving west.
Josiah Stanley, formerly of Spiceland, died recently of cholera in Hamilton Co.
Mattie, daughter of Jabez Newby, died at Lewisville last Friday.
Constable's sale of Charles Slatter's saw logs.

Aug. 18, 1870
Mariah Talbert, aged 35, died near Cadiz July 31, wife of George W. Talbert. Left children. Was 7 months pregnant when she died in convulsions. Sisters lived nearby and suspected violence because of bruises and dislocated shoulder. Body was disinterred and coroner's jury called; child's body was found in her coffin. Jury found George W. Talbert responsible. Is now being sought.
Capt. Stephen D. Lyon of Greenfield died Aug. 9, aged 37. Brother of Gen. Nathaniel Lyon. Was candidate for judge of common pleas court.

Aug. 25, 1870
Married at the residence of the bride's parents by Elder D.H. Gary, Aug. 18, Anderson Pickens and Miss Amanda Wilkinson, all of Henry County.
Jno. C. Teas now a resident of Jasper County, Missouri.
John Harter, engineer at Smith & Co. mill, killed in accident Aug. 22. Young and unmarried, sole support of aged parents. Funeral in Dunreith Christian Church. Had brother killed by burning tree falling on him 2 years ago.
Mrs. Patsey Chew, died Aug. 27 at home of John Harrold near Jonesboro, Grant County, aged about 67 years. Born in North Carolina; moved with parents & settled north of Richmond over 50 years ago. Mother of County Commissioner Harrold, with whom she made her home. Visiting in Grant County and buried there.
Henry Rogers selling property 2.5 miles northwest of New Castle. Moving to southern Kansas, where brother now lives.
"Thomas Miner aged about 40 years, has been confined in our fail for a few days to prevent him killing some of his friends. It appears that he has had epileptic fits since he was about fifteen years of age, induced, it is said, by disappointment in some early love affair. Some time since his friends tried to have him admitted to the Insane Asylum, but failed on account of the chronic nature of the malady. Miner is said to be much given to drink latterly, and when under its influence becomes perfectly furious. This it was that brought him to prison."
"J.B. Jessup of Spiceland, having cleared up all the jobs of house moving to be found in the south west corner of the county, recently slipped over to Carthage, Rush County, and moved a couple of the largest buildings they have at that place."

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2006 Dr. Thomas D. Hamm


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