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Henry County Genealogical Services

New Castle's Biggest Factory Boom - 1902

Mr. Thomas M. Randle Getting Ready to Locate Factories and Make New Castle a City

   This town within the next two weeks will see the biggest boom of her history launched. Mr. Randle has consummated the plan on which he has been working for two years and is prepared to show the people what he has been doing.
   The first thing is a big lot sale at which 400 desirable lots will be offered at low prices, affording a fine opportunity for persons with a few hundred dollars to make a handsome profit by this time next year. These lots adjoin the industrial addition on the east and through them streets will be graded, graveled and laid with cement walks, the expense to be born by Mr. Randle's syndicate, so that the purchaser is practically getting a lot on an improved street. In the alleys gas and sewer pipes will be laid and the town will put in water mains at the same time. All of this will not cost the lot owner a single penny.
   A fact not generally known is the Richmond-North-western electric line will not come into New Castle along the Pan Handle or Hagerstown Pike, but two miles east of town which will leave both of them to the north and follow the half-section line north of the Bouslog and Lowe farms and come straight to A Avenue along the north line of Randle and industrial addition to Main street. For this reason Mr. Randle wants A Avenue made 60 feet wide. A representative of the bonding company that is to finance the electric line was here Monday and gave positive assurance that the road would be built, as it is considered an excellent proposition.
   Mr. Randle has issued 5,000 handsome prospectuses showing the advantages of the town and its rapid advancement; also some of the factories he proposes to locate, among them the next largest tool company in America, employing 500 skilled men, three electric machinery factories with 130 men, a wheel company, wood working machinery and others employing over 2,500 men. These added to the 1,700 in factories already here will make a town of 20,000 people in two years. Buyers of lots would profit greatly by this increase.
   Mr. Randle ha placed these lots in the hands of a dozen agents here and in other cities. Next weeks he expects to run complimentary train from Indianapolis and other towns within fifty miles. The rail cars will be taken directly to the Piano factory, where holders of railroad tickets will be served lunch. In making this lot sale Mr. Randle should be given encouragement by every citizen of this community. Knockers and doubters should take a vacation. When the lot sale for the Piano factory was started many wiseacres predicted failure. Those results show how little they knew.
   C'mon... put your shoulder to the wheel and help.

UEB 2005

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